Commitment by Senior and Middle Management

The President is accountable to the Board of Trustees under the University Statutes for enforcing University rules and regulations, which mandate compliance with Federal, state, and local laws and regulations and University policies. In addition, both the President and the Board of Trustees have oversight of the University Ethics and Compliance Program through the Executive Director of University Ethics and Compliance.

The Executive Director of University Ethics and Compliance, under the President and the Board of Trustees, defines the objectives for the University Ethics and Compliance Office and executes the University’s ethics and compliance programs. The Executive Director reports significant ethics and compliance matters directly to the President and to the Board of Trustees through the Governance, Personnel and Ethics Committee, as necessary. The Executive Director also presents an annual report of Office activities to the Governance, Personnel and Ethics Committee.

The University-Wide Compliance Advisory Committee provides direction and guidance to the University Ethics and Compliance Office and oversees the execution of the compliance function. The committee meets quarterly to discuss compliance issues that impact multiple universities and the System Offices.