Making A Report
How to Report
We encourage faculty, staff, and students to initially discuss concerns with their supervisor. However, if an alternative on independent reporting approach is desired, please contact the University Ethics and Compliance Office.

Alternately, employees have the option of reporting believed violations of the Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act outside of the University to the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor (OEIG) via their Toll-free hotline at: (866) 814-1113.
What to Report
Individuals should report what they believe, in good faith, to be fraud, abuse, mismanagement, misconduct, waste, or other wrongdoing at the University. It is important that reports be specific enough to allow for assessment and review of the allegations.
Why You Should Report
Do Your Part...The University of Illinois is committed to integrity, accountability and compliance with the law. Maintaining an environment that supports these values is the responsibility of every employee. All employees are granted whistleblower protections, which make it a violation of law and policy to retaliate against an employee for their involvement in a proceeding to enforce the law. These protections can be located via University policy and the Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/15-5).
The Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/20-95) specifically states that documents generated by an ethics officer are exempt from the provisions of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140); hence it is rare for the findings of an investigation to be publicly reported. Results of investigations are kept confidential for the protection of all involved, including the initiator of the complaint or allegation. Results are shared on a need to know basis only. The University President, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, and General Counsel determine when a public report will be issued.
Reports may be filed anonymously, but for the purpose of effective follow-up, it is our preference employees provide their names and allow us to maintain their contact information confidentially. If a caller chooses to remain anonymous, staff may ask that the caller contact the office at a later date in the event there are any follow-up matters.
The Process
For more information on the process once a complaint is filed, please visit the Investigative Procedures page of our website.
After You File
- The identity of the employee reporting the concern will be kept confidential. Employees may remain anonymous.
- No employee may be disciplined, lose their job, or be retaliated against for asking questions or raising a concern, when acting in good faith.
- You may be referred to another individual or department if your concern can be better addressed elsewhere.
- The reported concern will be addressed promptly, discretely, and professionally.
- Discussions and inquiries will be kept in confidence to the extent allowed by law.
- Concerns will be brought to the attention of appropriate parties to be addressed and/or resolved.
It is also important to note that University Ethics and Compliance Office staff will not provide any details regarding results of the review. Though we take all matters reported to our office seriously and review these concerns, we protect the confidentiality of all parties involved, including those who may be disciplined or otherwise impacted through the outcome of the review. This provides for appropriate control over personnel matters, as well as minimizing any collateral damage to reputation resulting from a report. This confidentiality also protects reporters from retaliation, as well as protecting those who may be in a position to retaliate if the identity of a complainant were to be revealed. Though employees may notice changes in their unit as a result of the report, the Ethics and Compliance Office will not divulge the results of our review unless all confidentiality is waived and a public report is issued, which is rare.
Filing Matters that Don't Fall Under Ethics or Compliance
The University Ethics and Compliance Office also serves as a resource for employees who are not sure where to report an item or obtain information and/or direction. If you are unsure where to report something, please contact our office and we can work to put you in contact with the appropriate resources to address your concerns.