How to Report 

  • Once an employee determines they have been involved in a communication that requires reporting, they must request an ID from the University Ethics and Compliance office, by providing the following via email to

  • The University has coordinated with CMS and put this process in place to allow employees to obtain procurement reporting ID’s without requesting private information.  It usually takes about one week to obtain these ID’s and passwords, so employees should plan accordingly to ensure filing of their report within the established 30 day window.


  • Reports are to be filed at: within 30 days of the reportable communication.  All parties involved in the communication from the University must file their own report.  The following information will be required to complete the report:
    • Name, title, phone number, and email address, if via email, of the person you communicated with (vendor employee)
    • Name of vendor company
    • Date and time of communication
    • Length of communication in minutes if not written
    • Action requested
    • Summary of communication
    • List of participants including name, title, telephone number, and email address

  • All reports are published for public viewing at: The reporting requirement does not involve communications related to existing contracts unless a change order is being discussed.


  • Ethics and Compliance Office staff is available to answer questions related to the reporting process.  However, any password resets must be managed through the CMS Department of Innovation and Technology (DOIT).
  1. Go to
  2. Select the "Reset your Password or Unlock your Account" option
  3. From the drop-down menu, select "Other Employees SPS" as your domain
  4. Enter your User Name (typically First.Last)
  5. Enter the image code and select "Continue"
  6. Follow the on-screen prompts to either unlock your account or reset your password.
  • The decision on whether or not to report is ultimately the responsibility of the employee(s) involved in the communications with the vendor.  Though Ethics and Compliance Office staff can assist individuals in walking through the process of making that determination, employees will ultimately be responsible as the participants in those communications with vendors.
  • For additional information, please visit the Procurement Reporting FAQ section of our website.



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